If you are an amateur radio enthusiast with questions or comments

  • Contact me on the air on the WB1GOF 2m repeater or on WC1MA 6m. Feel free to send a radiogram if you know how.
  • Contact me at lucas@lucas-elliott.com
  • Reach me on my amateur radio phone line. This line is not my personal phone and is for radio related contact only. The number is ‪(978) 226-1119‬.

If you are a non-licensed individual looking to reach out to me.

  • Contact me via email at w1btr@lucas-elliott.com
  • Contact me on Discord at Hardware Grasshopper#9790

If you are an agency or organization in need of emergency communications

  • Consider contacting the PART of Westford club that I am part of, as they have a team of trained emcomm members ready to assist.
  • If you still need me, contact me at any of the other methods mentioned or at ‪(978) 226-1119‬.

If you are an individual of any type needing to send a radiogram to a licensed or unlicensed individual

  • Contact me at ‪(978) 226-1119‬ and I can initiate your message via the 8pm W1BIM repeater, or possibly sooner.
  • Please note that giving false personal information or obfuscated messages over the radio is violation of FCC law (this applies to radiograms as well).