Quick community updates to everyone!

Order fulfillment and the evolution of “Big Time Radio”

Hooray to orders going out the door! I’ve been slowly but surely getting orders out the door in my available free time. That said, managing it has been difficult, and finding motivation to work on soldering, packaging, and programming can be surprisingly difficult after doing similar work all day at my day-job.

This started as a fun side project to bring some tech I find really exciting to the hobby (and to make some cash on the side to save for a home), and has turned into something that’s been more and more daunting to manage, leaving me no time to work on the fun parts of “Big Time Radio” like Youtube videos and new product development! For reference, while w1btr.com has grown bigger than I ever thought, it’s still way too small to support me as my main job. I have both my primary day-job working as a 2-way radio tech, and an IT business on the side to keep the lights going and the family fed.

I was considering just stopping W1BTR altogether, but I really have a love for the YouTube channel and the AIOC/AIOB products Im able to sell. So, I’m moving forward with some options to outsource the fulfillment of the orders themselves. This will help me eliminate the long wait times while keeping the quality and development you’ve grown to know and love from W1BTR.COM, and lets me stretch my legs into other fun parts of the business. I’m narrowing down a few choices now, but expect more updates soon.

New Ticketing System and Inbox

The lack of free time to work on Big Time Radio projects and orders has spilled over into following up on emails. It also made it really hard to get updates out to customers. The website had a couple of outdated email addresses listed, and I’m currently unable to stay up-to-date on my personal and W1BTR email inbox. So, I’ve added a separate inbox and a ticketing system to help organize and manage communication. You can access this through this link or on the contact page.

AIOC / AIOB Firmware Combination

Another thing Im working on in the backend is combining both the Automatic and Standard firmware into one version that can be changed on the fly with a simple program.

Interfacing with the firmware on Windows is proving challenging, to say the least, especially in a packageable and reliable manner, but this would not only make it easier to manage internally, but would be a lot more consumer-friendly in my opinion.

Thanks for Helping me Grow!

As always, a big thanks to the community for your support and feedback as I figure this whole business-thing out.

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